Acne nodules affect the deeper skin layers and are larger and more serious than a usual pimple. Unlike regular pimples that relatively heal quickly, they also tend to persist for a long time, sometimes even lasting even for months.

Nodular acne blemishes feel like hard bumps, lumps or knots under the skin. In some cases, these bumps may develop a white head. However, they more commonly stay stubbornly seated underneath the skin’s outer layer.

Main areas affected by nodular acne are the face and back, but it can also occur on other parts of the body such as the neck, chest, upper arms, shoulders, and buttocks, ranging from just a few breakouts to more widespread blemishes. Either way, severe scarring can happen so make sure you have your zits checked and treated by your dermatologist.

Causes of Nodular Acne:

The first thing to ask to understand the cystic acne causes is: “What causes acne?” because similar to mild acne breakouts, several factors may lead to nodular acne. Sometimes, what started out as normal acne can progress to develop into cystic or nodular acne.

The contributing factors include the following:

  • Overactive sebaceous glands or oil glands of the skin.
  • An abnormal accumulation of dead skin cells inside the pores.
  • Abundant growth and spread of acne-causing bacteria.
  • High levels of androgen hormones that trigger excess oil production and change the chemical composition of the oil produced, making it thicker and more likely to cause pore clogging. This also makes it a more favorable environment for acne-causing bacteria to reproduce.
  • Genetic factors: Although dermatologists and experts are still not sure why some people merely develop minor pimples while others can get severe forms of nodular acne, there seems to be a genetic factor at play. So, if your siblings or parents have or have had nodular acne, you are much more prone to getting it also.
  • Age and gender: At what age it mainly occur? Even though anyone can get nodular acne, it is far more common among young men. Young adults and teen boys typically get acne nodules on the face and body.
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances associated with birth controls, pregnancy, menstruation, stress, and hormone therapy. Adult women also experience nodular acne breakouts concentrated around the neck, jawline, and chin. These typically get worse immediately before their monthly period.
  • The use of greasy or oily, comedogenic cosmetics or acne products, lotions, cleansers, or clothing.
  • High levels of humidity and perspiration.
  • Some chemicals or drugs such as lithium, corticosteroids, isoniazid, and phenytoin that may lead to or exacerbate the formation of acne-like flare-ups.


It is triple-mixture of sebum, keratin (dead skin), and dirt. Generally, the sebum is easily built up around the hair follicle. Most of the time, the sebum glands exist around the hair follicle (pore) and it releases the sebum on the skin. If the sebum is released through the pores in the right amount at right time, it can lock up the moisture and protect your skin from bacteria, viruses, and other harmful impurities.

However, our skin don’t work in order always. When the keratin layer is thick, or the sebum glands release excessive amount of oil, because of hormonal or other environmental factors, the sebum can be built up. If it is built up under the skin without contacting the external environment, it is less solidified, and it becomes whiteheads. If the “mixture” is exposed to the air, it is oxidized, solidified and mixed with dirt, then it becomes blackhead. Whiteheads accompany inflammation sometimes, then they become acne. Blackheads are not desirable but since it is exposed to the air and they exist as dense solid, it is less likely to accompany inflammation (but they are definitely harder to remove.)


Open the way Exfoliation

First key to prevent the black/white-heads is taking care of the dead skin cells. If the sebum from the glands is released on the skin appropriately,b/w-heads won’t be formed. The pieces of keratin layer are the important building block for b/w-heads and if the keratin layer is thick and excessive, the sebum cannot be released on the skin, which keeps the sebum dense underneath the skin. So, regular exfoliation is a good way to keep your skin health and clean. If you have sensitive skin, try cellulose-based peeling gel and if not, I recommend gommage type which contains particles that can mechanically remove the dead skin.

Basic Solution - Sebum Care

If you have oily skin, sebum control & balancing is a good way to prevent b/w-heads. So, the classic solution is AHA/BHA as always. AHA gently exfoliates the keratin layer, so it unclogs the pores and BHA effectively removes the excessive sebum on the skin. AHA & BHA formulation on toners are standard but nowadays we have some serum or overnight cream with relatively higher concentration of AHA or BHA. There are products with pre-soaked type for convenience as well.


Whitehead acne is just another form of acne which is very common to people of every age, especially the teenagers. It is also known as closed comedone. They are pus filled raised bumps appears specially on the face and shoulder area.

How Whiteheads are formed?

Whiteheads are named after its white puss filled appearance. The reason behind the formation of whitehead acne are same sebaceous gland that produces excess oil and clogs the hair follicle. This sebum along with the dead cells and bacteria forms a plug harden up and gets trapped below the skin surface and gradually it starts appearing as tiny white spots on the skin surface. But even at this stage the pore is not open to get the plug in contact with air. Hence the head doesn't get darken and appears white under the skin surface. This is why they are known as Whitehead acne or closed comedone.

What are the areas affected by Whiteheads acne and why?

Skin types and conditions are different in different persons. So whitehead may appear at some location in one but at another location in another person. Whitehead generally hit the facial areas like forehead, nose and chin on the facial skin. But in some cases you may find them on other parts of the body also.

 Whitehead specially pop-up in the area of forehead due to wearing of hats or bands or other head-wear designs that may contain bacteria due to prolonged usages without washing them. Hair style may also contribute to itching or irritating of the pores that provoke the more sebum production and whitehead breakout.

Whereas the skin on the nose, cheek and chin area are very sensitive. The pores of these areas should be kept clean from sweat, dust and other dirt even you should keep yourself away from the habit of touching your face with your hands too often as our our hands may contain lots of bacteria due to get in touch with lots of substance.